I had a dream, it wasn't a picture, but a feeling, of pain, and few numbers, it happened for a few times and they were so real, at the moment, the word "Armageddon" was in my mind...clearly...
After a while, I was awaken, by the pain, I was blurred, why was the dream so real, the phrase "dream come true" flashed across my mind, but I was sad, because it was not the "dream" I want it to become true. The evil getting stronger, soon I couldn't take it anymore, and I knew, that was not a dream, perhaps my stomach rang the alarm, and my brain illustrated a dream to inform me, of the tragedy that was going on...
In pain, I sit up, stood up, grabbed my toilet paper and rushed into toilet...
I was unsure if the number of...eduction matched the numbers that appears in my dream, but my body bent, because of the pain, and this is definitely the most painful (stomachache) in my 24 years of life...
I do not know how long I took in fighting the pain, but the time I went out from the toilet, it was 2.30 in the morning...
I am so~~~ tired now...
I wish I never have a dream come true, if the dream was so....disappointing...and suffering...