Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

After thunders and storms, tears and laughs, we come to the end of the year. Thanks everyone for participating, honestly, I really think this is a special year.

Well honestly, I think it's still boring, but I'm looking forward for a day, that my life is full of joy; and of course sorrow and sadness will definitely be one of the colors, but I hope those dim colors will be less obvious... pray for their fade away actually ^^

I have tried quite a few of new things, and I have gained some new knowledge this year...

New discovers (at least for me)...

New aims and targets...

For next year...

wish all my plans work out... (and I will make them work! )

wish "it" goes for good...

wish to be wealthier...

and wish everyone be happy, healthy, wealthy, dreams come true and etc...

Happy New Year ^^