Friday, February 22, 2008

Honey and Clover 蜂蜜与四叶草

Do you guys heard about Honey and Clover (?)?

It's an anime with a art university background, describing the life of a few undergrads, their friendship, love, and etc.

And now, if you notice, Honey and Clover was adapted into a live-action Japanese television drama series (I'm watching ^^). With a few familiar and my favourite artist in the drama, it seems more interesting, it would be my best collection in this season.

In addition, the theme song of this drama is "Canvas" sing by Ken Hirai (
?), one of the best male Japan singer (for me ^^). He has released his latest single with the "Canvas/Kimi wa♥" (Canvas/You're Wonderful♥).

Here is the link for youtube video, enjoy it:

And if you are interested on the single, here I share the link to download: