Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Heaven or Hell
Why the world seem to be so blind?
Why the world seem to be so stupid?
Why the world seem to be so discriminate?
When people consuming the good parts of the world, are they explore the other excellences?
When people notice the excellent parts of the world, are they going to appreciate them, consume them, or ignore them?
When people notice the charming part of the world, are they afraid of them, and hence try to hide them?
When people will no longer blind, stupid, discriminate...?
When people will start to explore, appreciate and not hiding the excellence.
I'm standing in front of you!!!
Yalah, I know I'm shining brightly (too excellent), you guys should not pretend you never notice!!!
Working at night, totally lose my mind :P
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
「Mirrorcle World」Covers
Ayumi official fan site has announced her new single "Mirrorcle World" cover, pretty girl will always pretty :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Apart on 1st April - Surprise
Can't believe that....
Today I received an email from my agency informing us to sign the extension contract tomorrow, immediately I approach CL whom ask me to check with KC.
When I jump to KC, he held a short meating at once and he gave us (Soo Beng and I) a shock
Permanent position has been freezed.
Guys, permanent is one step (hopefully is one step only) far away...I almost touch it...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
CM - Panasonic LUMIX FX35 (BGM: Mirrorcle World)
Let's enjoy the CM:
ayu-mi-x 6 & Mirrorcle World

Besides, "Mirror" was such a good track on her most recent album "GUILTY". It was however rather disappointing due to the fact that it lasted 1min 56sec only, many listeners just have not had enough of it. Now Ayu's next single "Mirrorcle World" is taking over as the full version of "Mirror"!
There are 2 SPECIAL TRACKS included but available on different Jackets:
- Jacket A (CD+DVD): AVCD-31429/B
- Jacket B (CD only): AVCD-31430
- Jacket C (CD+DVD): AVCD-31431/B
- Jacket D (CD): AVCD-31432
Jacket A track listing:
01. Mirrorcle World (Orignal Mix)
02. Life (Original Mix)
03. YOU (10th Anniversary version) *SPECIAL TRACK
04. Mirrorcle World -Instrumental-
05. Life -Instrumental-
06. YOU (10th Anniversary version -Instrumental)
01. Mirrorcle World (Music Video)
02. Mirrorcle World (Making Clip)
Jacket B track listing:
01. Mirrorcle World (Orignal Mix)
02. Life (Original Mix)
03. YOU (10th Anniversary version) *SPECIAL TRACK
04. Mirrorcle World -Instrumental-
05. Life -Instrumental-
06. YOU (10th Anniversary version -Instrumental)
Jacket C track listing:
01. Mirrorcle World (Orignal Mix)
02. Life (Original Mix)
03. Depend on you (10th Anniversary version) *SPECIAL TRACK
04. Mirrorcle World -Instrumental-
05. Life -Instrumental-
06. Depend on you (10th Anniversary version -Instrumental)
01. Mirrorcle World (Music Video)
02. Mirrorcle World (Making Clip)
Jacket D track listing:
01. Mirrorcle World (Orignal Mix)
02. Life (Original Mix)
03. Depend on you (10th Anniversary version) *SPECIAL TRACK
04. Mirrorcle World -Instrumental-
05. Life -Instrumental-
06. Depend on you (10th Anniversary version -Instrumental)
*First Press release of Jacket A and C come in deluxe long sleeve case measuring approximately 14cm x 24cm.
*"YOU" and "Depend on you" were initially released as 8cm single 10 years back in 1998 thus renamed as "10th Anniversary version" on "Mirrorcle World". The "10th Anniversary version" will have different arrangement.
Apart on 1st April
I am very happy when I first heard the news:
- According to boss, I will be converted to permanent.
- The team is one of my target team.
However, I am quite sad to leave the team because:
- I've been used to this environment...
- The accessment is a nightmare for me...
- No more OT!!! I will miss the OT here...
- No much friend there, luckily Soo Beng will be transfer to the same team as well ^^
- Different team in coming Away Day...Hopefully it would still be a wonderful trip...
- No more fly...No need to spend a lot for the trip^^...I earn RM300 for the passport dee^^ (is this consider sad?)
Hmm...looks on the points guys know it's hard for me to leave you :P

Well, wish all the best for all of us...

平井堅 (Hirai Ken) - 君の好きなとこ (Kimi no Suki na Toko)

Lyrics & Music: Ken Hirai
omoi ga tsunoru hodo ni
chokusetsu kao mite wa ienai
kimi no suki na tokoro nante
kazoekirenai hodo aru noni
iza me no mae ni suru to
nani mo ienaku natte shimau
aenai hi ni tsumikasaneta
願いも 迷いも ため息も
negai mo mayoi mo tameiki mo
那些心願 迷惘和嘆息
ほら 今 この気持ち 君に言ってみたら
hora ima kono kimochi kimi ni itte mitara
來吧 現在 試著告訴你這份心情
困った顔するかな? その逆ならいいな
komatta kao suru kana? sono gyaku nara ii na
會露出為難的表情嗎? 如果是相反的話就好了
照れた笑顔 すねた横顔 ぐしゃぐしゃ泣き顔
tereta egao suneta yokogao gushagusha nakigao
害羞的笑顏 憋扭的側臉 稀瀝嘩啦的哭相
長いまつげ 耳のかたち 切りすぎた前髪
nagai matsuge mimi no katachi kirisugita maegami
長長的睫毛 耳朵的形狀 剪的過短的前瀏海
kimi no suki na toko nara
hoshi no kazu hodo aru noni
hitotsu mo kotoba ni dekinakute
恋をすればするほど 駆け引きはうまくはなるけど
koi wo sureba suru hodo kakehiki wa umaku wa naru kedo
kono mune no muzugayusa ni
itsumo girigiri te ga todokanai
困った顔 見たくて いじわる言ってみる
komatta kao mitakute ijiwaru itte miru
想看你為難的表情 才試著欺負你一下
ほんとは 全てが 可愛くてしょうがないくせに
honto wa subete ga kawaikute shou ga nai kuse ni
其實呢 明明你就是整個的可愛到没有辦法
片方だけできるエクボ 朝のかすれた声
katahou dake dekiru EKUBO asa no kasureta koe
只有一邊的酒窩 早晨嘶啞的聲音
唇の色 髪の匂い 抱きしめた温度
kuchibiru no iro kami no nioi dakishimeta ondo
嘴唇的颜色 頭髮的香味 擁抱時的温度
kimi no suki na toko nara
dareyorimo shitteru noni
naze tsutaerarenai no darou?
お腹が空くと 機嫌が悪くなって黙りこむ
onaga ga suku to kigen ga waruku natte damarikomu
酔うとすぐ寝るくせに 帰りたくないとすねる
you to sugu neru kuse ni kaeritakunai to suneru
君の嫌なところも そりゃ少しはあるけれど
kimi no iya na tokoro mo sorya sukoshi wa aru keredo
你討厭的地方 雖然也稍微有那麼一些
aeba itsumo yurushite shimau
ホッとした顔 笑ったときに八の字になる眉
hottoshita kao waratta tokini hanoji ninaru mayu
安心的表情 笑起來變成八字形狀的眉毛
皮肉やなのに 意外と人情ものに弱い
hiniku ya na noni igai to ninjou mono ni yowai
kimi no suki na toko nara
世界中の誰よりも 知ってる僕が嬉しくて
sekaijuu no dare yori mo shitteru bokuga ureshikute
ら今 君が笑うから
hora ima kimi ga warau kara
看吧 現在 你笑了
なぜだろう 言葉に出来なくて
naze darou kotoba ni dekinakute
為什麼我 就是形容不出來呢
In English:
I can't begin to count all the things
I love about you
My thoughts become so strong that
I can't say them in front of you
When you're in front of me,
I become speechless
The prayers, doubts, and
sighs built up from the days we were apart disappear
See, if I tried telling you about these feelings
Would you look troubled?
I hope it would be the opposite
Your shy laughter
Your profile as you sulk
Your scrunched up crying face
Your long eyelashes
The shape of your ears
Your overcut bangs
There are as many things
I love about you
as there are stars in the sky
But I can't express even one of them properly in words
As you fall deeper in love,
you get very good at compromising
But this tingling in my chest is
always just out of reach
Wanting to see your troubled face,
I try saying something mean
Even though everything about you,
to me, is unbearably adorable
The dimple that appears
on only one side
Your hoarse morning voice
The color of your lips
The smell of your hair
Your warmth when I hold you
I know about the things
I love about you
better than anyone else
I wonder why it's so difficult
to express these feelings
You become silent
when you're hungry
because it worsens your mood
Even though you fall asleep
whenever you're drunk,
you always pout about going home
Of course you have a few flaws
as well
But I end up forgiving them
as soon as I see you
Your relieved expression
Your eyebrows that
turn into the word "八"(ha)
as you laugh
Even though you're very sarcastic,
you're surprisingly weak to stories about human kindness
I am so happy that
I know about all the things
I love about you better
than anyone else in the entire world
Look, you're about to smile
I wonder why
I can't express this in words
Guys, you might grab the song here: link or from me directly.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Night shift again...
Jumping into night shift again...
Is this a good idea?
- Get shift allowance.
- Save money, since there is no night activity in Cyberjaya. Even want to go out also quite difficult since I wake up late. Less number of meals taken in addition.
- Less issue assigned ^^
- Shift allowance almost same if I go for 1 hour OT each day, is it worth for it to become ghost?
- Save money = no life no health
- Less issue? As a hardworking employee and learning-crazy like me, less issue is suffering!!! (For any issue assigner, please ignore this point :P)
Good luck for all others in others working time zone.
Please believe me:
- You are going to miss me :P
- You will learn a lot (a lot of issue assigned to you)
- You will spend a lot (so nice...I want to spent also difficult ^^)
- You will eat a lot (admire lah...)
Have a nice month of March^^