Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Apart on 1st April

I will be transfered to another team since next moth.

I am very happy when I first heard the news:
  1. According to boss, I will be converted to permanent.
  2. The team is one of my target team.

However, I am quite sad to leave the team because:

  1. I've been used to this environment...
  2. The accessment is a nightmare for me...
  3. No more OT!!! I will miss the OT here...
  4. No much friend there, luckily Soo Beng will be transfer to the same team as well ^^
  5. Different team in coming Away Day...Hopefully it would still be a wonderful trip...
  6. No more fly...No need to spend a lot for the trip^^...I earn RM300 for the passport dee^^ (is this consider sad?)

Hmm...looks on the points above...you guys know it's hard for me to leave you :P

Well, wish all the best for all of us...