The smoky environment outside the office, and the gloomy atmosphere in the office, make everyone very quiet...even though there is a few scripters came in early today...
That was the last away day, before we move to EDS...
What EDS has?
No. 1: Annual dinner at KLCC (Stop expecting as this is No. 1)
No. 2: Charity trip (can it be considered a trip?)
No. 3: Treasure hunt (From Cyberjaya to Penang, let's see how many people join after the increasement of petrol price)
Well, I'm sure I enjoyed myself during the away day, maybe something happen bring down my mood but it lasts no longer than a second...
Anyway I still can enjoy myself all the time!
Who set the rule that I can only enjoy myself in Away Day?
Let's continue "away day" mood in the office ^^

Goodbye...Cherating Club Med...and pretty G.O(s)
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