Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sampat Thought

It is a great idea, I really think it's... for fun and laugh at least...

From what I heard from MY FM, a video with advertisement and high volume of clicks will definitely bring wealth... and when I was watching this youtube video when I thought of this idea:

So that's the idea...

Our young lady, suet yi, willing to sponsor her costly oxy mask for our video, highly respect, indeed, she is the cause of this idea, another thank you for her.

Her partner, a beng, with his talent in acting, we should discover it, to the world, and hence he would definitely be the main actor, yahoo ~ clap clap ~

I, sadly I have a camera with recording function, no choice, I have to be the cameraman, but no worry, I'll make sure my name appears in the staff list in the end of the video.

Well, the story goes this way (watch the above video first!!!) ...

Same as the video, we apply the BeautyTallk oxymask on one of the side of a beng's face, with it's amazing outcome, a beng should be able to get everyone frightened, if a beng try to open his eyes as big as he can, this will definitely a BIG plus.

And here, we need some victims, for the sake of our love to B77, how could we miss out the another two members who are staying with us? Their facial emotion play an important role here so our audience get themselves into the movies! Thanks to Nico and Seaw Wei. Nico, your make up skill will be well known together with the video, and yes, you're welcome ^^

Of course, this video have to be done in midnight, and we need corporation from the security, again, in order to show our appreciation to their profession, let's give them a chance to take part... how about more victims? I pray, from the deep down of my heart, that a beng wont be hit by their "sticks" ^^

Last but not least... it's my job to record all this down... no worry, from what I've done during qing ming last year, everything will be recorded, in details... hehe...

And... what do you think? I can't stop laughing since I got the idea... I think... it's fun... and we are young ^^

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Exploding Balloon

It's been quite some times since my last post, not that I stayed quiet on my own, and closed my eyes as well as my ears....

Things happened... Good and bad...

And I am tired, mentally, from deep down of my heart... and head...

Started to get bored, tired, disappointment and unhappiness... and things are keep repeating...

I need a way out...

I need to move on...

right away...

might not be able to get rid in seconds but I know it will be soon...

So long...


Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

After thunders and storms, tears and laughs, we come to the end of the year. Thanks everyone for participating, honestly, I really think this is a special year.

Well honestly, I think it's still boring, but I'm looking forward for a day, that my life is full of joy; and of course sorrow and sadness will definitely be one of the colors, but I hope those dim colors will be less obvious... pray for their fade away actually ^^

I have tried quite a few of new things, and I have gained some new knowledge this year...

New discovers (at least for me)...

New aims and targets...

For next year...

wish all my plans work out... (and I will make them work! )

wish "it" goes for good...

wish to be wealthier...

and wish everyone be happy, healthy, wealthy, dreams come true and etc...

Happy New Year ^^

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Don't hide your thoughts!

One that makes human being masters the Earth, we can think. However, we might not think wisely, or think in a way of hand and foot, the impact to the environment is one of the examples showing that, we, only think from those aspects that we concern.

Hence asking for opinions or raise our concern is always a good habit. Not only you can find out the reason why people make the choice...which you can learn something addition you might bring up something that your friend might not consider, and he/she can make better decision.

Timing and voluntary always plays an important role here. Before one made decision and actions taken, we should share our thoughts, not waiting for decision maker to ask, nor after the actions has taken, else everything will be meaningless.

For example:
Monday, A, B and C are sitting at the pantry dicussing how to go to a place tomorrow
A: I think I will take route A to go that OK?
C: Ya I think so...
B: (Route A, very jam woh...)

Tuesday, jam terribly on their way
A: Walao! So jam! I should take another route.
B: Huh? You dunno here got jam meh? Everyday also jam lah! I thought you know woh~
A: Then why you didn't tell us yesterday?
B: You are the one making decision, somemore did you ask me?
A: (TMD!!! Typical gun after horse!)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Update ^^

It has been quite some time since my last post, and there are some happy memory after that, but I was not able to post it up. However, the most exciting was that I had left the underweight world!!! Wakakaka~

Well I would like to share the two movies I watched recently and I believe most of you had watched it, but this is just to share my thoughts, after watching the shows. 2012, one of the most attractive in the 4th quarter (at least it attracts more poeple to go for it). It is about 2 hour and 45 minutes (or 30?) and most of the time, my eyes were attractive by the show, which cause tension from the early beginning; as well as the pop corn (and the pop corn was finished within the first hour).

This is a nice movie, I rated it 6.5 out of 10. It is not a high mark for a nice movie, I lowered it because I expect/hope the hero died and a touching scene is made for tears...

The Christmas Carol, a 3D movie with Christmas theme, it's early for a Christmas movie actually, but I went for it, as I had a movie plan initially but it was changed as the movie, New Moon will only available in Malaysia on this Thursday. Back to the 3D movie, it was, enlightening and educating, as well as boring as what I commented on Facebook.

Some of my friends fell asleep, it was freezing cold and the movie was so~ encouraging, actually I was sleepy as well but the environment, the light, the sound, has stopped me from closing my eyes. Also, children, especially those will cry in supermarket and cinema are not advisable to be brought for it, the movie is started with some scary scenes (but I was not frightened), and I heard children cried in the scene, loudly...

Hmm...both of them are under expectation actually...

I hope New Moon won't let me down, but according to the book, the first half is a bit...bored...due to their break up...and Bella's loneliness...

Cross my fingers...

Monday, November 2, 2009


What I did in previous Halloween? Can't remember, but one thing I can confirm: no celebration, no outing, and definitely no alcohols.

This year, I celebrate my first Halloween night (it's actually a birthday party) in Ice Bar, the Curve. Dressed improperly (for both Halloween the bar (or club?)), not that I did not want to be appropriate, just I have no proper wear for clubbing, as you guys know, and my look can also tell: HCW is definitely not clubbing kaki!

This is the 3rd time, and this is the worst one, not that it wasn't exciting, I just do not like the place. My eyes are not comfortable due to the cigarrette smoke, the club is almost closed, no signal at all, and I almost stifle by the smoke... Furthermore, the gang was a bit large and we've blocked the waiters for bringing in the Cokes, so end up we had to drink liquors with beers... the taste was... I don't like it...

Anyway that was a good experience...all went extremely mad! good.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Nikon D5000

This was complicated, contradiction of mood...

I'm happy, and yet, my heart was bleeding, but I know, I'll fix it, anyway, it did not hurt as much as the RM 300.

Well, I know, I'll never regret...
