I found my first online novel from http://www.cmfu.com/ (now has changed to http://www.qidian.com/), it is titled as "魔法学徒 (The Apprentice - self translated :P)". It was a nice story, and I could hardly found any better fantasy novel.
Then I found another novel, titled "眠月魔情录 (exceed my poor vocabulary to translate this), it is a historical/war story, the hero is good in strategy, he is a well planner, on politic, as well as war strategy. I have addicted in online reading since my form 4 and insisted till today. And they are all in chinese.
The movie Twilight, has given me a strong idea that, I should get the book, in English, and start my reading in English.
I googled it, downloaded, installed Acrobat Reader, and also Kingsoft Dictionary, and I started the reading after my Sunday lunch, by the way, for those who might concern, I did have breads for breakfast but I had had a balance-nutrient lunch, with rice, vege and meat. And I couldn't stop reading until the moment I got on to my bed.
The author handled the story very well, and in detailed. I can picture out the story clearly from the lines, well it might be because I watched the movie, but people have to admit, those people in the movie does not express the emotion as written in the book, maybe the script for the movie is different, also, the story has a bit different as well, I have not yet finished it, but I know, I would continue on the others (there are 4 of them in the series).

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