Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy New Year 2010
Well honestly, I think it's still boring, but I'm looking forward for a day, that my life is full of joy; and of course sorrow and sadness will definitely be one of the colors, but I hope those dim colors will be less obvious... pray for their fade away actually ^^
I have tried quite a few of new things, and I have gained some new knowledge this year...
New discovers (at least for me)...
New aims and targets...
For next year...
wish all my plans work out... (and I will make them work! )
wish "it" goes for good...
wish to be wealthier...
and wish everyone be happy, healthy, wealthy, dreams come true and etc...
Happy New Year ^^
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Don't hide your thoughts!
Hence asking for opinions or raise our concern is always a good habit. Not only you can find out the reason why people make the choice...which you can learn something addition you might bring up something that your friend might not consider, and he/she can make better decision.
Timing and voluntary always plays an important role here. Before one made decision and actions taken, we should share our thoughts, not waiting for decision maker to ask, nor after the actions has taken, else everything will be meaningless.
For example:
Monday, A, B and C are sitting at the pantry dicussing how to go to a place tomorrow
A: I think I will take route A to go that OK?
C: Ya I think so...
B: (Route A, very jam woh...)
Tuesday, jam terribly on their way
A: Walao! So jam! I should take another route.
B: Huh? You dunno here got jam meh? Everyday also jam lah! I thought you know woh~
A: Then why you didn't tell us yesterday?
B: You are the one making decision, somemore did you ask me?
A: (TMD!!! Typical gun after horse!)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Update ^^
Well I would like to share the two movies I watched recently and I believe most of you had watched it, but this is just to share my thoughts, after watching the shows. 2012, one of the most attractive in the 4th quarter (at least it attracts more poeple to go for it). It is about 2 hour and 45 minutes (or 30?) and most of the time, my eyes were attractive by the show, which cause tension from the early beginning; as well as the pop corn (and the pop corn was finished within the first hour).
This is a nice movie, I rated it 6.5 out of 10. It is not a high mark for a nice movie, I lowered it because I expect/hope the hero died and a touching scene is made for tears...
The Christmas Carol, a 3D movie with Christmas theme, it's early for a Christmas movie actually, but I went for it, as I had a movie plan initially but it was changed as the movie, New Moon will only available in Malaysia on this Thursday. Back to the 3D movie, it was, enlightening and educating, as well as boring as what I commented on Facebook.
Some of my friends fell asleep, it was freezing cold and the movie was so~ encouraging, actually I was sleepy as well but the environment, the light, the sound, has stopped me from closing my eyes. Also, children, especially those will cry in supermarket and cinema are not advisable to be brought for it, the movie is started with some scary scenes (but I was not frightened), and I heard children cried in the scene, loudly...
Hmm...both of them are under expectation actually...
I hope New Moon won't let me down, but according to the book, the first half is a bit...bored...due to their break up...and Bella's loneliness...
Cross my fingers...
Monday, November 2, 2009
This year, I celebrate my first Halloween night (it's actually a birthday party) in Ice Bar, the Curve. Dressed improperly (for both Halloween the bar (or club?)), not that I did not want to be appropriate, just I have no proper wear for clubbing, as you guys know, and my look can also tell: HCW is definitely not clubbing kaki!
This is the 3rd time, and this is the worst one, not that it wasn't exciting, I just do not like the place. My eyes are not comfortable due to the cigarrette smoke, the club is almost closed, no signal at all, and I almost stifle by the smoke... Furthermore, the gang was a bit large and we've blocked the waiters for bringing in the Cokes, so end up we had to drink liquors with beers... the taste was... I don't like it...
Anyway that was a good experience...all went extremely mad! good.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Nikon D5000
I'm happy, and yet, my heart was bleeding, but I know, I'll fix it, anyway, it did not hurt as much as the RM 300.
Well, I know, I'll never regret...

Friday, October 2, 2009
"Dream Come True"
After a while, I was awaken, by the pain, I was blurred, why was the dream so real, the phrase "dream come true" flashed across my mind, but I was sad, because it was not the "dream" I want it to become true. The evil getting stronger, soon I couldn't take it anymore, and I knew, that was not a dream, perhaps my stomach rang the alarm, and my brain illustrated a dream to inform me, of the tragedy that was going on...
In pain, I sit up, stood up, grabbed my toilet paper and rushed into toilet...
I was unsure if the number of...eduction matched the numbers that appears in my dream, but my body bent, because of the pain, and this is definitely the most painful (stomachache) in my 24 years of life...
I do not know how long I took in fighting the pain, but the time I went out from the toilet, it was 2.30 in the morning...
I am so~~~ tired now...
I wish I never have a dream come true, if the dream was so....disappointing...and suffering...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
If you watched Japanese dramas, we may find in Japanese understanding, an adult should have more self control on their emotion, realistic (may not money worship) and kind of strong-minded; and those who tell their feeling/thought outright will be treated as childish. I understand that a smooth article will be more preferable, everyone likes to hear good things, especially sweet talk, but isn't it hypocritical if we can't tell our thought flat?
Well, no matter what, communication is the most important element in a relationship and self behave becomes the most most critical of it. Learn to say thing appropriately and beware that saying the right thing at the wrong time is a mistake as well...
To all those who made the mistake...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tiring Saturday
Back from Poppy at 4 something, took shower, updated Facebook status, changed messenger status and I jumped to my bed, trying to get myself sleep as early as I can...tick tock tick tock...people still dancing...tick tock tick tock...I still can see familiar faces in Poppy, then I fell into half asleep.
Why half? because I still can clearly hear that Soo Beng went out, and then Seaw Wei couple went out, and then the sunlight, and then I told myself it was still early...and then I woke up again, and then I forced myself to sleep and then, I couldn't take it anymore, woke up, OK, it was better, last time, after the club, I woke up at 8 something, and this time, 10 something.
It seem improved but it was definitely not enough! Well turned on my PC and start facebooking, added some new friends that I knew in the club, commenting on the friends' status, and start watching drama after that. 10 minutes after the drama started, Richard sent me a MSN message, asked for lunch and he planned to go to SOGO to check on his 50D, since I was free (actually I was lazy for everything), I followed.
The road was unexpectedly crowded, I thought everyone should have balik kampung? It was rainy day and we got what we want...the best price...but not cheap...
Reached home at around 5. After few minutes rest, I went out with Seaw Wei couple for movie at MidValley. It's a 7 o'clock movie and we had some time for our dinner before the movie. The hall was terribly freezing cold and we were watching "G-Force", a 5 out of 10 movie, mark was mostly contributed by those rocking songs I heard in the clubs, guess I was still in clubbing mood so the mark is still high for what it is.
Well, this movie is not recommended. For adults, it is foolish; for kids, the songs are not good for their age, at least I heard a small kid sang "I got the feeling~~~ It gonna be a good night~~~" right after the movie, I could foresee a clubbing kaki abandoning his life in high cost alcohol and open up his sensors limited for big tits, horny touches, hot lips, and etc (in case he can find one)...haiz...good luck I thinking too much?
In our way going back home, we're hungry, and we went to Station One in Equine Park, spent some time there, before the went back. Sigh...quality drops, hope Station One can be better...
Few minutes after I got inside my room, received call from Chin Dy for yam cha and discussion bout tomorrow plan. OK, went out again...we finally decide to depart to Bukit Merah at 4am, we all thought it was a joke initially, but the leader, Eric really meant it, and all of us quickly rushed back, for preparation, and for some rest...having hard time sleeping, and got up earlier than scheduled. Quick check on my bag and I went out of B77 at around 4.30...
Another day hard day started...
Poppy/Passion & Quattro
My first experience was in Autumn Club, Quattro. The club has limited space for those who likes dancing, for me that is not really into it, the narrow arrangement is still enough for me to shake my body. Drinks, girls, touches, kisses (not me of course), were around, lights, DJs, musics were rocking people to the extreme. And that was a great experience, made me seeking for another chance...
Well, it came to me last Friday, we went to Poppy, to celebrate an early birthday for a friend of Chin Dy, well she's now my friend (in Facebook) as well ^^ Different from Quattro, Poppy has bigger space, you can see people dancing (not only body shaking, so I was kind of world apart), having fun around...and also fights. Luckily I was, when I went to Quattro, no fights at all, which is normal for clubs. But when I went to Poppy, first, gents washroom, then our gang (threw glass, not really fight but it counts) and then outside the entrance. And the DJs are not as good as Quattro.
Anyway, it was a good experience as well, at least I tried something new there. As an alcohol newbies, I know least bout it, and that night, a new friend "Koh" bring me a glass, with liquor inside, heated it with lighter at the bottom of the glass, and the liquor was 'on fire" after moments, blew off the fire, and I drank it, and the next moment, I felt my head was on fire, quickly put some ice in my mouth, tried cooling down was fantastic...I was told that if we let the fire went on longer, it will be more "exciting"~

I'll become alcoholic...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Twilight E-Book
I've read the English version of Twilight, and I always want to read the Chinese version, maybe it's because it's easier for me to revise the story.
And I finally found one from this kind people that has shared PDF version of Chinese version here: There are plenty of TXT format on the Net but seldom you can find one without the need of registration and deduction of points.
Enjoy the (e)books ^^
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cola Club @ Genting Klang
We (Seaw Wei couple, Kong Siang and I) went out for our dinner together just now, initially we planned to go PJ, after we (actually that was the driver's fault ^^) missed the turn to PJ, we decided to go straight to Setapak for dinner. When we arrived at Genting Klang, we called Kah Fei, he was busy that time but he suggested Cola Club.
There are quite some cola-flavor food in the menu, such as cola chipchop, cola french fries, and many more. When the waitress was taking order, I checked with her if we can bring outside food, she answered me "I think so, we are not going to throw away your food". Great! I rushed to one my favorite stall in Genting Klang, salad popiah, thinking of shared the popiah with the others, I bought 3 popiahs. But few seconds after the popiah auntie started to work on my order, Kong Siang came and told me that outside food is not allowed. TMD!
And we went back to cafe, with the 3 popiahs, their food had already been served, and my drink, it should be a large orange juice, but it is a small glass on the table, when I checked with the waitress, she asked me back "Oh you order large ah?" Fine, I'll take the small size. After a long~ long~ time, when the others had already finished their "main course", and the cola-flavor french fries had been served, my chic chop was still MIA! I asked again, and the waitress asked me who took my order...well I know she's a girl...she asked again is she with log hair...yes, but every waitess are with long hair...and she told me that they were working on my order now...sweat!
And then we asked for chilies sauce, the waitress gave us on small McD "plastic plate" for the chilies sauce, for four of us, we all sweat and laughed. Please girl, you might be new to the food industry but you did have your meals outside right? Where is your common sense? Do you really think one is enough?
I think another quarter passed, the french fries was finished, and I decided to cancel my order, and the waitress asked "Are you sure.." "Cancel" "But they are working on..." "Cancel" End up I have my dinner with the 3 popiah...
And before we left, I'd picked a song for the "on-site singer" there, dedicated to the cafe:
Song title: 陶吉吉 - 王八蛋
From: 看着花谢的人
Dedicated to: Cola Club
Message: 花儿都谢了
Cola Club, blacklisted!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
1st treatment @ Dermalogica
It was a Friday night, which I've given up my work out for it. Together Soo Beng, Suet Yi and I went to the Dermalogica centre in Mines Shopping Centre for facial treatment.
This was my first facial treatment, and also due to the promotion of 50% off for the first time user, I took the most expensive treatment available.
After a quick check on my face condition, the therapist started the treatment. Cleansing, toning, applied enzim, steam, extraction, antiphlogistin (correct me if I named it incorrectly), massage and lastly 3 facial masks.
The entire process was enjoyable except the extraction. Since this is my first treatment, blackheads were all around my face, I held my palms, in my full strength, until they were ache, it was painful. Right after the extraction, I felt my face was fully injured and before I went out of the room, I could see my face was red in the mirror, and my hair was terrible, just like I've got electric shock as in the anime/cartoon, and I couldn't fix it. L&G, go for a treatment when you have less black/whiteheads...
It was a good try, and I will continue for it, but take the least expensive one ^^
PS: Not photos will be published :P
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Goodbye Godric
You may notice that I talked bout this HBO series "True Blood", and now we have it released up to the 10th episode. I watched 3 episodes: 7th, 8th, and 9th together last weekend, and it was really really touching.
In the 9th episode "I Will Rise Up", Godric, the maker of Eric Northman who noticed how and why human hates vampire, tried to offer himself for sacrifice to fix the conflict. However, his plan failed, he took the blame and committed suicide. Sorry for my poor vocabulary, but the part he commit suicide is touching, I almost cried, I held it, yet it still affected my all-day emotion (1/2 day actually, I watched it in the afternoon) after watched.
Here I managed to find the video from youtube, no subtitle but I think everyone should be able to understand it if you hear it clearly:
Good bye Godric, wish you rise again.

Beautiful Life
Nowadays, people, no matter male or female, care a lot about their face. Maybe not everyone of us care, but majority do. Some might refuse to go out when they have pimples on their face, some start to change their life style, and some start to spend on beauty product.
Girl, you may not aware, but I heard and believe what I read from an article: when a girl is not happy or satisfy her life, she should take some time in front of her mirror, and make up. Statistic shows that a girl that spend some time making up in the morning, will grow prettier, and happier. This is because she building up her self confidence and enjoy herself when she find herself pretty (after make up).
Now how much you spend on those beauty products? And how much you spend on them daily? Try to total up and divide with the number of day the product last, then you might get shocked!
For those who never use or do not need, don't laugh and no worry, curse of age will fall on you, sooner or later (normally earlier) ^^
Friday, August 14, 2009
《Sunrise/Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~》 Part 2
もっと 侧に居て
Motto soba ni ite
もっと 信じさせて
Motto shinji sasete
ちょっと无神経 てか不器用な
Chotto mushinkei teka bukiyou na
そんなあなたの ところか好き
Sonna anatano tokoroka suki
Demo tokidoki iikara sukoshi otome kokoro
Kini kaketene
Tsuyosa noyamete sunao ni
Nande kantan ninarenaikedo
Anata shyana kyaikenaino
Soredakewa dareka de kawa ranai
そっと 嗫いてるよ
Sotto sasaya iteruyo
そっと 强い爱を
Sotto tsuyoi ai wo
Anatani todoku kara
その胸に 响いてるから
Sono mune ni hibii terukara
そっと 嗫いてるよ
Sotto sasaya iteruyo
そっと 强い爱を いつかは
Sotto tsuyoi ai wo itsukawa
Chanto tsutawa rukana
Toomawari surukuraigaii
解り合える事を 解ってるから
Wakari ae ru koto wo Wakatte rukara
あなたの言いたい 事は何となく
Anatano ii tai koto wa nantonaku
だいたいね 想像つく
Daitaine souzou tsuku
Watashi waitsumo kanjin natokorode hanashi
Omoikiri fumi dase nai
Datte kowaku naiwakeganai
Sonna konna hikkurumeta
Watashi nomamaja dame kana
もっと 侧に居て
Motto soba ni ite
もっと 信じさせて
Motto shinji sasete
私は来る顷に その瞳に映っているよ
Watashi wa kuru goroni sono hitomi ni utsutte iruyo
もっと 侧に居て
Motto soba ni ite
もっと 信じさせて欲しい
Motto shinji sasete hoshii
Nante amae sugikana
Tashika meau nowamou owari
Omoi atteirutte shitteru kara
Anatawo kae ru kiwa naishi
Watashi datte aikawarazu nandakedo
Sonna futaride iito omoun dayone
Sonna futariga iito omowa nai ?
ずっと 侧に居て
Zutto soba ni ite
ずっと 信じていて
Zutto shinji teite
ねぇ そっと嗫いてるよ
Nee sotto sasaya iteruyo
そっと 强い爱を
Sotto tsuyoi ai wo
Anatani todoku kara
その胸に 响いてるから
Sono mune ni hibii terukara
そっと 嗫いてるよ
Sotto sasaya iteruyo
そっと 强い爱を いつから
Sotto tsuyoi ai wo itsukara
Chanto tsutawa rukana
Toomawari surukuraigaii
解り合える事を 解ってるから
Wakari ae ru koto wo kaitte rukara
《Sunrise/Sunset ~LOVE is ALL~》 Part 1
Same melody with different tempo, lyrics, this single has achieved the most looking forward album/single by our japan friends, well I know none of them but this does not affect! Let's check on her Sunrise:
もっとそばに来(き)て もっと信(しん)じてみて
Motto sobani kite Motto Shinjite mite
Mujyaki ni warau boku no daisukina
Sono egaoni tsui sakki made
Namidaga kimino hohode
Hikatte ita kotowo shitte iruyo
Arino mama wo misete toka
Nante kantan ni iwanai kedo
Konna kimiwo mi chyatte mo
Muke tomete ikeru jishinga arushi
Motto ookina koede
Motto ooki na aiwo
Kimini todo ketai
Sono muneni hibiga setai
Motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo saken dara
Chyotto wa tsuta waru kana
Toomawari suru kuraiga ii
Wakari aeru koto
Wakatteru kara
Motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo
Motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo
Kimi no ii tai kotowa
Nanto naku daitai ne souzou tsuku
Bokuwa muki au tsumori ni
Natte iru dakede nige teruyone
Kowa kunai toga ittara
Shyojiki usoni naru keredone
Sonna konna hikkuru mete
Zenbu kakugo deki takara
Nee motto sobani kite
Motto shinjite mite
Boku no kono fueru
yureru kodou kiko eteru kara
Motto sobani ite
Motto shinjite mite hoshii
Kokoroni mimi suma sete
Tashika meaunowa mou owari
Omoi atte itutte
Shitteru kara
Bokurawa kanpeki nanka jyanaiyo
Datte ningen nanda mono
Dakedo sorede ii
Sou omoun dayone
Sonna tokoga itoshiin dakara
Motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo
Motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo
Nee motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo
Kimini todo ketai
Sono muneni hibika setai
Motto ookina koede
Motto ookina aiwo saken dara
Chyottowa tsuta warukana
Toomawari suru kuraiga ii
Wakari aeru koto
Wakatteru kara
Monday, July 20, 2009
Nikon D5000 Service Advisory
It used to be only bosses' toy, or for those really into photographing world. For us? No point getting an expensive stuff for general shooting.
Months ago (I believe not years ago), it became not that costly, if you are planning to get a point and shoot camera, with the price of 1.4k, well, with another 2 or 3 hundreds top up, you can get a SONY a200, with a "Highly Recommended" stamp from, and also with a high value points of 9.5 (should be out of 10).
So why don't getting a SLR?
Worry bout the manual setting? Guys, some SLRs have scene modes, you take snow picture easily...
Skill problem, if with all auto setting still got problem then my advice is, it will end up the same with point and shoot, quit photography and be the one being shot ^^
Recently, I fall in love with SLR also, considering less post-shooting work, so I would like to invest on those popular camera brands, and I put my eyes on Nikon D5000 ( It is (as far as I know) the first entry level Nikon camera with live view feature.
However, I get this shocking news last weekend, Nikon has posted the news on its official web site ( that D5000 encounters power control issues.
It is sad, because of my first late born camera; yet it is not really a bad news as I have more time to save money, to be more prepare to jump into this never ending costly world (even though it is not as costly as previously, but still it is)...
Note: For those who like to buy Nikon D5000, please check the serial number before you buy, for details, check the link above!
Megan Fox is a man?!
I heard of the bad news and googled for it and I found this:
Wow, she is a tranny, not a trainee, but a tranny!
Well, how many of you giving up to be her (or his) fan? How many of you feel lost and doubt yourself on your sex orientation due to her (or his) transform? And how many of you decide not to be straight anymore because of her (again, him)?
She might to the hottest in 2008, but she is not the only hot girl...
Thank you for the wonderful time you brought, in the movie, in the dream (never dream of her actually), some might on bed (definitely not me)...
PS: For those who don't know Megan Fox, please watch Transformers few more times ^^
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Weight Gain Progress - 10%
It has been more than a month since my first time working out, seem hard to find improvement on my body, luckily (at least) I started to see tiny mice moving when my arms move ^^
Last week, I decided to buy GNC Weight Gain, which cost me RM 108, having two scoops per day, and the scoop is huge, around 2 times bigger than the scoop you can found in Top powder packs. After taking GNC for one week, yesterday, I went for weight check, wow, 1 KG increment!
Is that much?
Hmm...I was 53kg since my form 3 (15 years old), before I took GNC, I was 54kg, means I used 8 years to grow a kg on me, and I used a week to grow another kg with the help of GNC, sound effective right?
Let's check it again from the aspect of $$...
With ideal BMI of 23 (i heard this is a perfect number), and the formula is BMI = kg / (m * m)
With my 173cm height, my ideal weight should be around 69, means another 14 kg to go:
1 kg - RM 108
14 kg - RM 108 * 14 = RM 1512
Mean RM 1512 to go...
It's definitely not a small amount of money...
I wish money can fall down from sky...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Even though I usually eat a lot, but...this is terrible...
Never feel that Chocolate taste so....boring...
Full~~~ Full~~~ Full~~~
I hope it works...and not focus on tummy only...
God, I might not loyal to anyone of you (prefer your story actually)...But I heard You are so~ kind to turn the black sheep into white... (if there is another meaning for black sheep, please let me know)
So do not have to help, your bless is more than enough...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Perhentian: Day 3
Reached home at around 5, one maggi cup first before we went for a "formal" one. Washed clothes, tidied up my clothes and bags, facebooking (upload pics), and finally we got Soo Beng couple back from the Transformers 2 movie, rushed out for the formal one in One Station.
Spent some time there chatting, our topic mainly focused on marine creatures. Half passed one, we went back, continue my uploading (takes time as I need to pick out those are better) after settled my stomachache .Slept at around 3 in the morning, it was fun and tiring day...
Nope, it was a fun and tiring week actually...
Perhentian: Day 2
Went down for breakfast, and then we went for snorkeling, at three points: coral, turtle and shark point. So I failed to find a shark but according to Cosmos, he saw one as big as my size. I was busy at the shark point, not looking for the shark, but busy cleaning my goggle, and the wave was strong, and I keep hurt my eyes when the wave came...It's painful...Well lunch again before we went back to our room for shower, while waiting for my turn, I fell asleep. After took bath, it is around 4, lying on headboard, I slept again, without the pillow as my hair was wet, feeling like a minute after I closed my eyes, "ge ge ge ge ge no ge", Soo Beng was calling for teatime, it's 4.30 already, woke Cheng Sze up and we went down for our 3rd meal today.
After that we went for windmill, which claimt to be the most beautiful place in perhentian island. It's horrible, big mosquitoes, not speaking of the slope that full with small stones. And when we finally saw the windmill, they (there were two of them), they are locked in gate, I thought we are able to climb up for photo shooting. However, after another few hundreds metres, when all the thatches were gone, we all amazed by the great scenery in front of our eyes. It worth all the sweat and sacrifice of blood.
Another round of busy photo shooting there until it's finally our turn to take boat to back to our resort, and it was a BBQ night ^^. After our meal, we went looking for souvenir, which we all given up for the price offered. And then we have a short photo shooting session with all funny looks before we went up to sleep.
Perhentian: Day 1
Enjoying the sky scenery on the plane and photo shooting for 45 minutes, we arrived at the Kota Bahru airport. Fetched by the BuBu resort agent, in his dangerous and fast driving, we ariived at their office, where we had another round of shooting. We then walked to the jeti and departed to the island.
We were having a short brief on rules and regulation there once we reached the island, before our lunch. And we had our lunch right after the brief and Team B (Soo Beng couple, Seaw Wei, Cheng Sze and I) went for a short nap, which caused us over-slept, we have snorkelling briefing at 3!
Quickly prepared, all seem lazy to go, yet we did enjoy the briefing session...I think most of us had this thought: should bring richard together, you do not really need to know how to swim, the life jacket is so reliable, I can't swim any deeper with it...
After that, we have a volleyball game before we heading for the sunset. Nice view, shot lots of photos, but only few are picked to be uploaded to Facebook.
After the sunset, we walked back and had our dinner. Walked back to our room, took shower, and...SLEEP ~ ZZZ
Pre-Perhentian: Transformers II Revenge of the Fallen
It was a very very tiring day, I did not sleep at all. Back to home from office at 8 something, started packaging my luggage and did some coding, departed at 9.30PM to Cheras Selatan Jusco for the movie, Transformers 2.
I did not really enjoying the show. Yes, all of us agree that it is funny and nice, but on top of that, I think that there is not enough detailed. For example, where are the twins and mini robot at the end of story? And the movie is kind of rushing in some parts. I still remember that in the first movie, the heroin, Mikaela Banes (acted by Megan Fox) impressed me so much, when she was so brave to bring BumbleBee in a truck and fighted the Decepticons. Different from the earlier show, the fighting parts are dissaponting, the fights are easy, except the one which Optimus Prime was killed. If I voted 8.5 out of 10 for the earlier, definitely not more than 6 for this one.
Reached home at around 1.30, continued my coding till 3.15, started to clean up and did some morning calls. 4.05, went to fetch Khai Chen couple and Cheng Sze with Seaw Wei before we departed at 4.45.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
PS noobie
Today, for another try, I planned to create a banner for my blog, to replace my header, I wanted to have a blood pond, with some text and small flower petals on it, well planned, and the picture in my mind would really create an horrible atmosphere while viewing my blog.
And, I started...
Google, practices, redo...
Something came out, it is...sigh. Have a look yourself and I believe everyone will laugh...

Share more laughing material to you guys:
1. I planned to have some binary strings wrapping an invisible globe, however, after a few attempts, it came out like this, creative spiderman logo!

2. Well, we should not give up easily, which I came out with a new idea, I think it should simpler, a half transparent CD, with some text on it, simple right! Ended up:

You guys are lucky, as I enhanced it, it used to be a donuts...
Again, luckily I joined Science stream...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New Moon - Official HQ Trailer
I believe there will be a bit disappointment for Cullens fans, as most of the story are focus on Taylor! Well, I should not tell much, for those have read, they know the story; for those haven't, haha, go get a book, or wait for the movie!
Enjoy the trailer:
And the show will be on screen on 20.11.09. Earlier than the initial plan!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My Twilight collection
Well, I have collected 4 books in Twilight saga, and I believe the 5th book is around the corner.
Bought them in the MPH warehouse sales, thanks to Seaw Wei for his help ^^
Here are some photos of the books:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why Microsoft?
Firstly, user friendliness. Most users, especially IT users are lazy, if a simply click would do everything we need, why shall we waste our precious time typing?
Secondly, availability. It is a very popular product line, used by people all over the world, at least none of my friends are using others.
Thirdly, and this is the most amazing part. Microsoft means evolution and innovation. We can see that from many angles. For example, software recently are no longer as clumsy and stupid look as few years ago, with its improved development tools, a programmer can spend more time on user friendliness, not speaking the tool, in some points, help to improve the design as well.
Also, Microsoft has came with an evolution of our culture! Check this website. For people, all over the world, especially Chinese, we all know a popular dirty word C*B** (let’s make it short: “CB”). And thanks to MS, people, not only Chinese, will learn this hokkien word, maybe with its other meaning, but when a new bird google it, we knows he might learn a dirty word, people learn bad things faster all the time!
Guys, raise our glass, “To Microsoft!”
Saturday, May 16, 2009
How well do you know Huan Chee Wei? ~ Ep 2 ~
I am...
words: ayumi hamasaki
music: CREA
arrangement: Tadashi Kikuchi + tasuku
ちゃんと聞いてて 伝わるまで叫び続けてみるから
请你好好倾听 我将呐喊直到传达了我的讯息
Listen closely, because I'll keep screaming until you understand:
chanto kiite'te tsutawaru made sakebitsudzukete miru kara
私はずっと 此処に此処に此処にいるの
我一直 都在这里在这里在这里
I've been here, here, here forever.
watashi wa zutto koko ni koko ni koko ni iru no
時間(トキ)に追われて 半ば無理矢理な
被时间追着跑 在勉强吃力的
What is at the end of these half-tiresome
toki ni owarete nakaba muriyari na
日々の先には 何がありますか
日子前方 究竟又有些什么
days that are chased by time?
hibi no saki ni wa nani ga arimasu ka
こんな私の 生き急ぐ様は
Is it funny to you that I'm rushing
konna watashi no ikiisogu sama wa
滑稽ですか 笑ってよ
是否很滑稽 你尽管笑吧
through life? Go ahead and laugh.
kokkei desu ka waratte yo
この瞳見つめて 私の名前を呼んでみて欲しいの
希望你看着我的眼睛 希望你呼唤我的名
I want you to stare into my eyes and say my name.
kono me mitsumete watashi no namae o yonde mite hoshii no
この手握って 大丈夫だって頷いて欲しいの
希望你握着我的手 告诉我一切不用愁
I want you to hold my hand and tell me it'll be ok.
kono te nigitte daijoubu datte unazuite hoshii no
この背を押して じゃなきゃ歩き続けられそうにないの
希望你推我一把 否则我真不知该如何往下走
Help me; if you don't, I don't think I can make it.
kono se o oshite ja nakya arukitsudzukeraresou ni nai no
嘘ならせめて 本当の嘘最後までつき通して
如果这是谎言 请继续让我相信这谎言到最后
If this is a lie, then at least keep the lie going to the end.
uso nara semete hontou no uso saigo made tsukitooshite
時間(トキ)の過ぎ行くままに 身を委ね
I entrust my body to the flow of time.
toki no sugiyuku mama ni mi o yudane
流れ着くのは どんな場所ですか
在漂流的尽头 又将到达何方
Where will I wash ashore?
nagaretsuku no wa donna basho desu ka
矛盾だらけの こんな私でも
这样一个 充满矛盾的我
Despite my faults, will I be forgiven?
mujun darake no konna watashi demo
許されますか 教えてよ
是否能被原谅呢 请你告诉我
Please tell me.
yurusaremasu ka oshiete yo
どうか解って そんな事を言っているんじゃないの
希望你能了解 我想说的并不是那些
Please understand, that's not what I'm saying.
dou ka wakatte sonna koto o itte iru n ja nai no
どうか気付いて こんな物が欲しいわけじゃないの
希望你能发现 我想要的并不是这些
Please notice, this isn't what I want.
dou ka kizuite konna mono ga hoshii wake ja nai no
どうか放して そんな所へ行きたいわけじゃないの
希望你能放手 我想去的并不是那里
Please let me go, I don't want to go there.
dou ka hanashite sonna toko e ikitai wake ja nai no
私はずっと たったひとつの言葉を探してる
我一直 在寻觅着那短短的一句话
I've been searching for just one word.
watashi wa zutto tatta hitotsu no kotoba o sagashite'ru
この瞳見つめて 私の名前を呼んでみて欲しいの
希望你看着我的眼睛 希望你呼唤我的名
I want you to stare into my eyes and say my name.
kono me mitsumete watashi no namae o yonde mite hoshii no
この手握って 大丈夫だって頷いて欲しいの
希望你握着我的手 告诉我一切不用愁
I want you to hold my hand and tell me it'll be ok.
kono te nigitte daijoubu datte unazuite hoshii no
この背を押して じゃなきゃ歩き続けられそうにないの
希望你推我一把 否则我真不知该如何往下走
Help me; if you don't, I don't think I can make it.
kono se o oshite ja nakya arukitsudzukeraresou ni nai no
嘘ならせめて 本当の嘘最後までつき通して
如果这是谎言 请继续让我相信这谎言到最后
If this is a lie, then at least keep the lie going to the end.
uso nara semete hontou no uso saigo made tsukitooshite
どうか解って そんな事を言っているんじゃないの
希望你能了解 我想说的并不是那些
Please understand, that's not what I'm saying.
dou ka wakatte sonna koto o itte iru n ja nai no
どうか気付いて こんな物が欲しいわけじゃないの
希望你能发现 我想要的并不是这些
Please notice, this isn't what I want.
dou ka kizuite konna mono ga hoshii wake ja nai no
どうか放して そんな所へ行きたいわけじゃないの
希望你能放手 我想去的并不是那里
Please let me go, I don't want to go there.
dou ka hanashite sonna toko e ikitai wake ja nai no
私はずっと たったひとつの言葉を探してる
我一直 在寻觅着那短短的一句话
I've been searching for just one word.
watashi wa zutto tatta hitotsu no kotoba o sagashite'ru
How well do you know Huan Chee Wei?
I believe you are also a facebook user, it is rated as a best networking tool in world now and most of my friends are members. Recently, more and more quizzes are coming up, testing your personality, characteristics, concepts (about love, gender, etc) , and many more.
This morning, Chin Dy and I created our "How well you know me" quiz. Published and invitations sent, and I think those questions are easy enough that after my friends took it, I can laugh at the result and tell the world: "See how well I express myself! Ho~ Ho~ Ho~".
I'm kind of "big mouth", I think I shared most of my occasions, feelings, thoughts, and information with my friends in excruciating detail.
However, thing just don't come up as I planned, or dreamed...Guys, we just need to get together more ^^
Another however here, we, no matter good or bad, are not only judge by our grade, same thing goes here, I, Libra, am all about fairness, no grades here, OK!
For anyone who feel insulted, I'm sorry, definitely no offense.
For anyone who feel sorry, visit my blog more often, checks on the updates and clicks on the advertisements, or buy me a meal.
For anyone who feel being tricked, shout to me!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Are you ready for another bite?
As you might noticed, a brand new season of "True Blood" is going to release, at 14 June.
We have many things in common in “True Blood” with other vamp stories, first, the sunlight brings negative impact to those fangs; second, blood is their power; third, normally they are gorgeous; forth, normally there will be an heroin that the fangs are attracted, no matter the blood flows in her body, or the special ability that she posses; and etc.
However, there is something special in this story that I could not find in others…I bet I have not really learned vamp enough…in “True Blood”, the fangs race stand out for their right, to have same life as human do! Japanese releases a product, something like fake blood, named “true blood”, for the fangs as their daily source, so that fangs do not need to kill for blood. Undoubtly, some people, especially those from various religions, against on it, hardly accept blood sucker as their neighbor.
In season 1, Bill Compton, our handsome (but looks a bit old, maybe he was turned in the late age) came his hometown, a village called Louisiana, and met Sookie Stackhouse, who has the ability to fail all the fangs skill like enchanting that falls on her, like Bella Swan in Twilight saga. Later, people in the small village were killed and Swan became the next target when she was found dating Bill. With the help from Bill and her employer, Sam Merlotte, she managed to save herself, and found the murderer. However, not every story ends well, in order to help Sookie, Bill was punished as he hurt his own race which result in the arrival of an immature vampire named Jessica. And the season ended with the death of the cook in Sam’s cafe, Lafayette Reynolds, likely.
I’m a bad story teller but for those vamp fans, please visit its official website for details of season 1 and season 2 trailers as well as more on
Sunday, May 10, 2009
First Italian Movie?
I did write the title in my gossip girl post and I thought of blog this movie, and I'm working on it here ^^
"Sorry If I Love You", in Italian, Scusa ma ti chiamo amore (not the Korean drama "I'm Sorry, I Love You"), I found it somewhere in the forum, with high score, so I plan to risk myself. It's great, starting from the first scene, "banning Italian movie/drama in my life" has already gotten rid of my mind. It is rumor, romantic story, hmm... for guys, the girl is very very pretty! Amazed!

Let's check the synopsis:
Niki and her girlfriends are in their last year of high school. Though they must take their finals, they are always into some sort of mischief. Alex, a man of almost thirty-seven, has just been dumped by his long-time girlfriend. A round him revolves a complex, entertaining world: his parents, his married sisters and their children and his three friends each of them already married, but with various distinctive characteristics. Alex has a high-level job at an advertising agency, but the arrival of a driven young go-getter threatens his position in the firm. And that would be the least of it, if he had not met Niki in the morning. Niki is a smart, pretty girl. There is only one problem. She is seventeen. Twenty years younger than Alex. But starting with their morning encounter, nothing will ever be the same &.
Alessandro is a 32 years-old man who's looking for the perfect advertising not to loose his job, after being left by his girlfriend Elena. Niki is a 17 years-old student, she's preparing her high school exams. One day, Alessandro accidentally runs over Niki, from that moment on everything will start to change.
Here is the trailer (sorry no english-sub):
Official Video Clip (not english-sub as well):
Gossip Girl
Among my favourite drama, most of them have reached their end of seasons, so, in month of May, I'll spend my time on Gossip Girl. Not sure why, most of my friends does not like it, none of the guys like it. Why? It is not that girlish till guys can't take it...Sarah told me that she felt hard to connect the drama to her life, and so she prefer Friends, which I don't even watch any of the episodes.

I do feel it's a great drama, maybe it's too luxury (it talks 'bout wealthy teenagers growing up on New York City's Upper East Side) and the relationship among those so called friends is a bit (humble statement) complicated, but I think we all can take it easily, especially those has been brain wash with Taiwanese and Korean drama.
Well, personally, I like their dialogues a lot, I never find english can be so~~~ sweet, even though I did find some drama with nice dialogues, for example, the Luthor family in Smallville, theirs is so~~~ gentleman, while they were actually argueing or even scolding each other.
Recalling my preferences...are the dialogues of a drama/movie that important for me?
Yeah, undoubtly!
I can easily fell in love with drama/movie/novel with nice, great, excellent, humor...whatever positive comment...
Then I think I should find a girl that talks in a gossip girl way? Hmm...then I might not know if she was tissing me...
Well, L&G, I have almost full set of Gossip Girl season 1 & 2 (season 2 has not yet ended)! Some of them are double channel subtitled (chinese & english)! And I plan to collect all episodes with C&E subbed!
Visit here for photos!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
2nd Trip to The Mines
Today I went there to meet my insurance agent, Alan, is this my 3rd time meeting him, first was the tea time with my sis, her boss Keng San and Alan; Second time, when I signed my agreement for the insurance, and 4 years after that, we met again, to talk bout the policy, well, the main topic was on my VIOS (which I drained all my money for), as he is going to get a VIOS or CITY.
Both of us are fresh to this nearby (in my case) shopping mall, so we decided to find an easy-to-find venue, and I suggested Old Town. I was early, initially we should meet at 2.30, I think so, because in his SMS, he wrote 2 stg, I have been thinking for quite a few minutes on the statement, "2 something" or "2 setengah"? I was asking myself, end up I decided to depart at 1.30 as Chin Dy said that place was very crowded during weekend, so I can arrive there around two, and I have never thought of asking Alan what is meant by "stg"...
My plan was just perfect, just some aspects were estimated incorrectly. First, distance and traffic condition, I over estimated both of them. I thought I would be trapped and take at least 1/2 to reach there, so I took bath at 12, 10 minutes for facial cleaning, 1/2 hour for hair drying (naturally), 15 minutes for hairdo, and I still had time for my Fullmetal Alchemist 2009 (钢之炼金术师2009), ended up, I still reached there at 1.50, well, it wasn't so bad after the it is not that far and may be I'm getting familiar to the road and the traffic jam was that not bad after all...not until the next aspect (Stephenie Meyer's writing style?).
I received a SMS, he was still in PJ, so postponed to 3. OK, fine, window shop for a while, which eventually I spent, for a Natio scrub. 5 minutes before 3, I walked into Old Town, ordered a drink, White Milk Tea, and wait wait wait...
3.20, phone rang, bad sign! I took the call, great! 3rd aspect joined the party! He took the wrong path, I know he is not familiar, but I thought at least he know how to go to the Mines, well, without 2nd thought, I ordered a Dry Curry mee, and finished them before he arrived, it was a fast meal, not my style at all!
I always take my meal slowly, it's not that I can't eat fast, just that I have a bad habit. I like noodle, especially with soup, people, or grown people will take noodles directly into their mouth, but what I do is, take some noodles, put on the soup spoon, and slow put into mouth. Not much different? What if the noodles always fall out of the spoon and I need to rearrange then back to the spoon? With "appropriate amount" of noodles that fit my mouth? It takes time, and I believe it is childish too...Am I enjoying myself doing that? Having fun with the noodles? Like cat playing around with rats before kill them? Ah lah! I'm not that cruel or psychopath...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Movies Weekend
The next day, Sunday, evening, we (Seaw Wei couple, Chin Dy and I) were rushing for 6.50 PM movie, “Knowing”. I believe he was not affected by Fast and Furious series, at least no sharp scene, no drift and it was a safe drive after all, except the poor Kenari driver was frightened by Chin Dy. We were considered late for the movie, we missed the previews/trailors, and few lines of dialogue.
This is a very (n times) nice show. With the usual trick of western movies, the movie is kind of tense since the moment we sit down. When John (acted by Nicholas Cage) was involved in the first tragedy, a lady asked for his help, the moment he went to her and hold her, something behind the lady exploded and flew towards the left, the scene was just too real and unexpectable and I just couldn’t help myself to attempt to move my body to my right, so that I wouldn’t be hit…stupid! My stupidity does not affect my rate on it, 4.7 out of 5!
Sleep Early
Since last week, I slept after 11 o’clock, and even 12 o’clock during weekend. And now, I understood that, I will never have early sleep ever since and yet, I believe I’m still an early bird, at least I still wake up early now.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
After lunch, going for dinner, going back to Cyberia, I have locked it, just that I would forget that in less than one minute, and so, I have to check on it a few times a day to make sure it is safe.
It is not annoying, and I’m definitely not trying to show off, almost everyone around me has at least one. It just…can I say it is lovely? Maybe I haven’t bored with it yet. Wondering when I would start get used to/remember that, but I won’t forget this feeling.
I believe everyone would pass through this, or even went through, after all, it shows that, that is our precious car and we do care ‘bout it ^^.
Curtain Call
闻こえてる あなたの声が
Kikoeteru anata no koega
听到了 你的声音
Watashi no nawo yonde iru
映ってる あなたの颜が
Utsutteru anata no gaoga
看到了 你的面容
Watashini hohoemi kakeru
闻こえてる? 私の声が
Kikoeteru? Watashi no koega
听到了吗? 我的声音
Anata no nawo yonde iru
映ってる? 私の颜が
Utsutteru? Watashi no gao ga
Atanani hohoen deiru
今でも 一番に言いたい
Imademo ichibanni iitai
言叶だけが uh~上手に
Kotoba dakega uh~ jouzu ni
言えない こんな私だけど
Ienai konna watashi dakedo
Kono utawa machigai naku
爱すべき あなたへ赠る
Aisubeki anata e okuru
Kokoro kara no ai no uta
闻こえてる あなたの声が
Kikoeteru anata no koega
听到了 你的声音
Watashi no nawo yonde iru
映ってる あなたの颜が
Utsutteru anata no gaoga
看到了 你的面容
Watashini hohoemi kakeru
闻こえてる? 私の声が
Kikoeteru? Watashi no koega
听到了吗? 我的声音
Anata no nawo yonde iru
映ってる? 私の颜が
Utsutteru? Watashi no gao ga
Atanani hohoen deiru
爱すべき あなたへ赠る
Aisubeki anata e okuru
Kokoro kara no ai no uta
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Next Level 25.03.2009
Even though her new album will only released next Wednesday, the day I booked for dental check, the PVs are available on youtube, "Next Level" and "Curtain Call", which you can find this two songs in the 30 seconds in store CM. "Next Level" give me a strong feel with its similarity to two of the old songs, "Blue Bird" and "Beautiful Fighters", it has great summer atmosphere from the music video; while "Curtain Call" is totally opposite, its opening is just too close to Mariah Carey's "Without You", after watched the music video, I believe it is a sad song like "End Roll", "Hanabi", or maybe "Jewel", "Walking Proud", "TO BE", "Carols" , etc...
I wonder when this album will arrive in Malaysia, looking forward for its arrival.
Here I post the PV of Curtain Love:
Monday, March 2, 2009
2nd Sunway Visit
We went for lunch in a korean restaurant (right beside Sushigroove) and we had ourselves Set B (for 3 or 4 people). In the set, we had a big pot of soup, another ginsheng soup with chicken, big plate of Korean BBQ chicken, some some dishes (mostly vege). It was just too full (wondering how can my stomach afford that) after the lunch, and Soo Beng and I had to go for movie, holding big stomach and sitting in the cinema for show is really not a good idea, somemore the show was not that nice at all (we’re watching Chun Li).
Here I had taken some pics:
赤い糸 - HY 366日
Here I found the one of the OST from net and the song title is “366日 (366 Days)” from HY: The song title is just match the story, as Mei and Atsu were born in the same date, 1992-02-29…Enjoy the song :P
Sore demo ii
Sore demo ii to omoeru koi datta
Moto renai to shitte temo
Tsuna gatte itakute
Hajimete konna kimochi ni natta
Tamani shika au koto
Dekinaku natte
Kuchi yakusoku wa atari mae
Sore demo ii kana
Kanai moshi nai kono negai
就算不能实现 这样的愿望
Anata ga mata watashi wo sukini naru
そんな儚い 私の愿い
Sonna hakanai watashi no negai
那样的梦想 是我的愿望
Kyou mo anatani aitai
Sore demoii
Sore demo ii to omoe ta koi datta
Itsu shika anatawa aukoto
Sae kyon dekite
Hitori ni naru to kangae teshi mau
あの时 私
Ano toki watashi
Wasure tara yokatta no?
Demo kono namidaga kotae deshyou?
Kokorono usowa tsuke nai
kowai I kurai oboete iru no
Anatano nioiya
しぐさや 全てを
Shigu saya subete wo
你的动作 所有的一切
Okashi I deshyou?
Sou itte waratte yo
Wakarete iru no ni anata no koto bakari
纵使明明已经离开你 不断只想起你的事
Koiga konna ni kurushii nante
Koiga konna ni kanashii nante
Omowa nakatta no
Honkide anatawo omotte shitta
Kowai kurai oboete iru no
Anata no nioi ya
しぐさや 全てを
Shigusa ya subetewo
你的动作 所有的一切
Okashii deshyou?
Sou itte waratte yo
Wakarete iru no ni anata no koto bakari
纵使明明已经离开你 不断只想起你的事
Anatawa watashi no nakano wasure rarenu hito
Subete sasa geta hito
Mou nidoto modo renaku temo
Imawa tada anata
Anata no koto dakede
Anata no koto bakari
Monday, February 23, 2009
Progress - After tube
Wake up early, I can’t really fall sleep since 6 something in the morning, got up and prepared myself for going out. It was too early when I reached Bandar Tasik Selatan LRT station, was that I couldn’t wait to get it?
Kah Fei showed himself at 9.27, 3 minutes earlier than he promised, and we reached C.K.Yap. After spent some time checking the car and signed N documents, and finished the signing job before my signature went totally out of shape.
Following Kah Fei, I drove to Genting Klang, taking MRR2 highway, and reach SKY for brunch, Hakka Mee, I really missed it…When should I come down again for Pan Mee?
After the meal, I drove back to Cyberjaya alone, after taking a long journey (if not mistaken, around 80KM) I finally reach Cyberjaya, take some time to practice on the parking skill at Cyber Park and basement B1 under Wisma 4, I went back to Cyberia.
The following day, I went to Serdang for lunch and after that drove to Times Square, guided by Seaw Wei and Kong Siang (wondering if Soo Beng scared of my driving…). Along the journey, they seem got shocked like Soo Beng did. I think I need to be more patient…
Thursday, February 19, 2009
No MSN!!!
So happened that I saw this link: in the display message of one of my contacts, and I would like to check if I was blocked, without second thought, I opened a new IE tab, typed the link and I was prompted with a page asking me to sign in with my MSN ID, pik pak pik pak… and hit on the button there and I was signed in, and a list of black hearted contact that had blocked me was listed in a new page, ok…looks fine those bad guy are not really close enough for me to be upset.
The next second I close the page, I found out my MSN was signed out! Beg for the bless of Luck, I tried to sign in, sigh, I really need to go temple to pray and clean my bad luck…
First, we can’t enjoy our web browsing, and youtube, now MSN’s gone, what’s the next? Blogspot? Facebook? Hotmail? Don’t tell me we can’t even paid our bill online in office…
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mr Children "Hanabi"
And here I post its lyrics:
Dore kuraino neuchiga aru darou?
Bokuga ima ikiteru kono sekai
Subetega muimi datte omoeru
Chyotto tsuka reten no kana
把到手的东西 拿去换成别的东西
Teni ireta mon hiki kaeni shite
切(き)り舍(す)てた いくつもの辉(かがや)き
Kiri suteta ikutsu mono kagayaki
Ichi ichi ureideireru hodo
Eiwa nayono naka jyanai shi
Ittai donna risou wo egai tara ii
Donna kibouwo idaki susun dara ii
连回答都不想 那洋的自疑自问
Kotae you monai sono toikakewa
Nichijyou ni nomarete
Kimiga itara nante iu kana
Kurai to chyaka shite warau no kana
Sono ya wara kana egao ni furete
Kono yuuutsuga fuki tondara ii noni
Keshite tsuka maeru koto no deki nai
Hanabi no youna hikari datoshi datte
もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい)
再一次地再一次地 再一次地再一次地
Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai
Bokuwa kono tewo nobashitai
谁(だれ)も皆(みな) 悲(かな)しみを抱(いだ)いてる
Daremo mina kanashimi wo idai teru
Dakedo suteki na ashita wo negatteru
臆病(おくびょう)风(かぜ)に吹(ふ)かれて 波风(なみかぜ)が立(た)った世界(せかい)を
Okubiyou kaze ni fukarete namikaze ga tatta sekaiwo
Doredake aisuru kotoga dekiru darou
Kangae sugite kotobani tsumaru
Jibunno bukiyou saga kirai
Demo miyou ni kiyouni furu mau
Jubunga sore ijyou ni kirai
Waratte itemo naite sugoshi temo
Biyoudou ni tokiwa nagare
Miraiga bokurawo yondeiru
Sono koewa ima kimini no kikoete imasuga
Sayonara ga mukaeni kiru koto
Saishio kara wakatte ita toshi datte
もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい)
再一次地再一次地 再一次地再一次地
Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai
Nando demo kimini aitai
Meguri aeta kotode konnani
Sekaiga utsukushiku mieru nante
Souzou sae moshitei nai
Tanjyun datte waratta
Kimini kokoro kara arigatouwo iou
滞(とどこお)らないように 揺(ゆ)れて流(なが)れて
为了不会阻塞般地 摇晃流动著
Todo koura naiyou ni yurete naga rete
Suki toutte iru mizu no youna kokoro de aretara
Aitaku natta toki no bunmate
Sabishiku natta toki no bun datte
もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい)
再一次地再一次地 再一次地再一次地
Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai
Kimiwo tsuyoku yakitsu ketai
Daremo mina mondaiwo kaka ete iru
Dakedo sutekina ashitawo negate iru
臆病(おくびょう)风(かぜ)に吹(ふ)かれて 波风(なみかぜ)が立(た)った世界(せかい)を
Okubyo kazeni fukarete namikazega tatta sekaiwo
Doredake aisuru kotoga dekiru darou
もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい) もう一回(いっかい)
再一次地再一次地 再一次地再一次地
Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai Mou ikkai
Monday, February 2, 2009
Going back for CNY
Friday morning, woke up early, double checked on my luggage, quick pom pom and I went out to KL to for a dozen of works, first I need to go to Genting Klang for my favourite Hakka Mee, then I need to go to bank to settle my bank transaction statement (for car loan :P), after that I need to go to LHDN to work on my dead cheque from them. Well things did not works as planned, firstly, the terrible crowd in the KL Central LRT station has totally broke my hope to go to Genting Klang, which ruin all my plans (all items are planned to happen in Wangsa Maju and Genting Klang).
Immediately, I changed my plan, go U Village for breakfast, and then walk a few steps for the nearby public bank, where I was told to go back to Segamat for the statement. After that I went to Timesquare, I thought cinema shows started at around 10.30, which again I was disappointed. I thought my bad luck only started when Ox year starts, but seem like it started to take effect at the end of Rat year. Thus, I ended up sitting in Border reading mangas for 2 hours before my sis came to fetch me…Sigh...
Friday, January 16, 2009
5800 XM Experience...
Firstly, the camera. We all know well that, Sony Erricson K series posses better shooting performance compare to Nokia phones. And yes, even though my 5800XM has Carl Zeiss, the shoots looks only good for close-up pictures. And for the video side,
it works great, I started to capture/record a video when I was walking in an opened area, and then went into basement parking (I forget to switch on the light), and I think it worked better than I expected (after I felt a bit dissapointed from the 3.2 MP camera). And my voice changed in the video as well, sound like monster...
The next item I would like to share is the landscape mode of 5800XM, this is the first phone I own that has landscape mode and hence, I have no idea how was it before 5800XM. After I try on mine, I think it’s a bit sensitive. Let’s say I put my phone on table, unlocked it, opened Option menu, and over 90% chance that the menu will appear in landscape mode, is this normal? Or my table problem?
I also tried on its famous well-performance music player, well, again, I have no idea how it works on other phones, but honestly, I don’t really like it. Most of the time, I listen to my Altec Lansing 4121 or my headset Philips SHP2000, and I like them a lot, perhaps AL4121 is too dim on its output but with the price below RM200, I can hardly find any good opponent for it. And my headset, no complaint, as a headset, I think it is good enough for everything. Now comparing them with 5800XM, I do not really expect it is better than Altec Lansing, but if it was closer to my SHP2000, then I would give it a thumb up…
I was in a very dim mood yesterday, as I failed to get my GPS worked at all, no satellite found, I can’t get my position, the map is not updated, etc…everything has ruined my mood. After done several checks, I found out that it possibly due to my 3G network, and again, I never use 3G ever, and no idea that I need to activate it. Right a few paces after I went out of office, I ring up Maxis to get my 3G activated, and everything works now (but need more testing)!
I bought it for RM 1.3K and one of my friend got it at RM 1.45, in fact, I was very worry that this phone is some kind of water stock, that it might not work properly, and now I finally exhale…
Anyone that has any thought or query, please feel free to let me know :P